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Public Notice 1 - Call for Papers Dossiers - 2020

Dossier “Comparative Criminal Law: General Principles” - RBCCRIM No. 175 (Jan / 2021)

In order to adapt to the best practices of international journals and encourage the democratization of the knowledge applied to papers directed to the Brazilian Journal for Criminal Sciences, scientific journal QUALIS A1, the RBCCRIM Editorial Team makes public that it will receive, within the period specified below, scientific papers to be published in volume 175 (Jan / 2021), on the topic “Comparative Criminal Procedure: General Party”.

Associated Editors:

Prof. Dr. Carl-Friedrich Stuckenberg, LL.M. (Harvard),
(Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Bonn - Germany)
Resume link:

Prof. Me. Guilherme Francisco Ceolin 
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre/RS)
Resume Link:

  • Ementa. This issue is devoted to comparative criminal law and in particular to questions of the general part. All kinds of comparative perspectives are welcome: Legal comparisons may be undertaken for practical purposes, e.g. to gather or to test ideas in order to solve a legislative problem so that foreign law serves as a kind of normative laboratory. Comparative work may also serve purely theoretical purposes, e.g. a better understanding of a normative field or of one’s own domestic law by contrasting it with different solutions to the same problems. In order to be fruitful, any comparison presupposes a certain degree of similarity between the legal orders selected. The doctrines of the general part of criminal law are good candidates for comparative work because they are mostly based on some variation of the universal grammar of practical philosophy. Papers may cover any aspect of e.g. causation, intent and error, negligence, guilt, justification and excuse, participation, omission, attempt, concursus delictorum etc. General principles may also be illustrated by special provisions and there is no limit which (and how many) legal orders are examined. Articles on methodological problems of comparative law are equally welcome if they are in some way connected with the subject matter of general principles of criminal law.
  • Submission Deadline: until June, 20, 2020
  • Evaluation Period: September, 30, 2020


The files must be sent to, containing, in the title of the e-mail, information regarding the Dossier to which it is being submitted. In addition, authors must enter their personal data in the form:

The subject of the Dossier must be specified in the body of the email and in the article submission cover page.

Texts must comply with all the rules set out in the RBCCRIM Editorial Policy (, otherwise they will be rejected in advance. The evaluation will be carried out through the double-blind peer control system according to Qualis / CAPES guidelines.

In case there is an insufficient collection of articles for the composition of a volume entirely dedicated to the Dossier, articles not directly submitted to it but that address subjects related to the Dossier might be evaluated and, once approved, integrate the Dossier.

Click to access the RBCCRIM Dossier Papers Call Notice # 1 in 2020:

Click to access the Publishing Rules of this Public Notice 1 - Call for Papers Dossiers - 2020

Click to access the conditions for Submission (Check List) :

IBCCRIM - Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais - Rua Onze de Agosto, 52 - 2º Andar - Centro - São Paulo - SP - 01018-010 - (11) 3111-1040