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Debate com estudioso sobre “guerra ao terrorismo” em SP

Publicado em 25/06/2009

No dia 30/06, 15h, no PPGRI/San Tiago Dantas (Praça da Sé, 108 - 3o andar - São Paulo, SP - fone/fax: 11-3101.0027), o pesquisador Thomas Unger falará sobre "War on Terror and Accountability". O debate levará em conta os aspectos relacionados aos Direitos Humanos, tendo em vista a recente experiência de Thomas Unger no “International Center for Transitional Justice” (ICTJ). 

Eis um breve currículo de Thomas Unger.

Thomas Unger received his law degree from the University of Vienna, School of Law, and his LLM from New York University School of Law. He also received a European Masters Degree in Human Rights and Democratization from the University of Padua. Thomas has extensive experience in international criminal and human right law. He was a law clerk at the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague and clerked with an investigatory judge at the Viennese Provincial Criminal Court. He also worked as a Human Rights Officer within the Department of Human Rights at the Austrian Foreign Ministry. Thomas has also been employed as a Legal System Monitor in Kosovo with the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Os interessados em participar deverão entrar em contato com Filipe (


IBCCRIM - Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais - Rua Onze de Agosto, 52 - 2º Andar - Centro - São Paulo - SP - 01018-010 - (11) 3111-1040